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shoppingBag Sales: 114

Created: Oct 11, 2019

Updated: Nov 24, 2023

ID: 87190

og体育首页ONE - Unlimited Downloads for $14.10/mo

410k Items | Commercial Use 许可证允许使用此项目创建无限的数字终端产品,以便在您的订阅有效期内销售. | Support Join to Download this Item  for Free


在展示一个可靠的产品时,最基本的问题之一是确保你的公司被认为是认真的. Especially, when you are responsible for the well-being of many people, proper first impression matters. 在WordPress的帮助下创建,并使用Elementor进行组装, 对于那些关心自己在市场上的声誉的人来说,建设项目网站是最好的解决方案. 这个主题将对建筑、房地产或景观设计公司有用.

Explore The Possibilities Of The Design

In case you are wondering, what a company, which already has a huge experience and reputation, can do to increase their status, we have an answer! 如今,推广任何关注的最快速、最有效的方法就是创建一个投资组合. 建设项目网站WordPress主题将给你从不同的角度描述你的项目的可能性. 此外,您还可以添加额外的页面并替换现有的页面.

The Theme already includes such pages as:

  • Home page;
  • About page;
  • What we do page;
  • Single project page;
  • Contacts page.

Attract More Customers and Increase Trustfulness

Not only pages can be edited. 两个强大的插件元素和喷气插件的组合允许你嵌入一些新的元素. 您的建设项目网站已经由诸如倒计时定时器之类的小部件组成, a bunch of animated effects, applied both to text and images and parallax backgrounds. The theme also contains Advanced Map widget, in case you want people to know, where your office is located.

人们喜欢与人交流,而不是与网站聊天机器人交流. 这就是为什么WordPress技术有能力添加樱桃会员或樱桃服务小部件. 这些技术允许您在建设网站上放置关于您的团队或您的服务的一些信息. Depending on your preferences, you can write the whole detailed information, 或者只是发布几个街区的照片和员工的位置.

Integrate The Latest Technologies Onto Your Webpage

The variety of offered functions is going to amaze you. 假设您想向客户展示您的建筑项目有良好的统计数据,并且在市场上没有竞争对手. Writing a lot of text won’t impress anyone. Instead of this, 你可以使用酒吧聊天小工具-显示您的业务的繁荣, 或进度条-表明你以前满意的客户的数量.

Ask For Help If Necessary

Once owning the construction project website WordPress Theme, 您还可以得到最友好、最可靠的技术支持专家团队为您服务. 我们的团队随时准备满足您的任何需求,并帮助安装或编辑网页的块. If you want to do all the work by yourself, 你也可以看看我们的YouTube频道,找到所需的视频.


House (November 23, 2023):

  • WordPress 6.4 compatible;
  • Elementor Page Builder 3.17 compatible;
  • Minor bugs fixed.

House (August 25, 2022):

  • Minor bugs fixed;
  • WordPress 6.0 compatible.

6 Reviews for this product

Very easy to install and update, elementor makes it so easy. Great management system. Would definitely purchase again!
The template is very simple and friendly. it's easy to install. You can modify many things. The template is very simple and friendly. it's easy to install. You can modify many things. The file structure is transparent. Easy to configure and modify. A very intuitive way of making changes. 我已经安装了许多模板,我真的推荐给每个正在寻找专业解决方案的人. You will certainly be satisfied. Also your clients. The page on this template will be modern and adapted.
Wonderful template, very useful and simple to use. Nothing else to say.
We have truly enjoyed using this theme. It has been such a tremendous resource for our business. 易于使用的框架使我们能够以干净,专业的方式分享我们的图像和内容. Some set up was required to get up and running. 有很多选项可以使用这个美丽的主题来定制网站, and even add custom code for those interested. 模板正是它所声称的,现代和极简主义. 我们可以像专业人士一样展示我们的工作,我们也可以告诉我们的客户真的喜欢这个网站.
It's a nice template! looking forward to customize it to mark our kind of business

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