中等人群鼓掌的音效. 音效对电影很有用, 预告片, 卖弄风骚的, 视频项目, 广播的项目, 视频游戏, 播客和商业广告. mp3和...
销售: 1
的 authentic sound of a kettle boiling water. Recorded with high quality stereo microphones.Includes 3独特的声音,将完美地为任何媒体项目,需要的真实性,...
销售: 8
当物体振动并将能量波(振动)送入我们的耳朵时,声音就产生了. 振动通过空气或其他介质(固体、液体或气体)传播到耳朵. 的...
销售: 1
合上书的声音. Recorded with high quality stereo microphones.包括4种独特的声音,将很好地用于任何需要真实的媒体项目, 家庭声音...
的 sound of flicking through a book’s pages. Recorded with high quality stereo microphones.这个声音效果包包括3个声音,这将派上用场,用于任何媒体项目...
翻动书页的声音. Recorded with high quality stereo microphones.包括4个独特的声音,将完美地为任何媒体项目,需要的真实性, 国内...
心跳悬疑介绍Fx是一个可怕的, 强烈的免版税音效包与砰砰的心跳声音项目和令人毛骨悚然的弦强迫恐怖和恐惧进入我们的心!
从桌上拿起钥匙的声音.Recorded with high quality stereo microphones, 这些声音将是完美的媒体项目,需要国内的声音效果和更多的使用...

吐出液体10音效 by BBRealSound

适合游戏, 动画, 广告, YouTube的电影, 电影, 预告片卡通s, 视频博客, 动态图形项目, 声音设计, 信息图视频,广播, 电影, 视频, 电视制作,...
的 sound of a real light switch at home turning on then off. Recorded with high quality stereo microphones.这个包包括4个独特的声音,将有利于媒体项目在寻找一个真正的...
销售: 1
用高质量立体声麦克风录下的在电脑键盘上打字的声音. 用于您的媒体项目:广播, video, 电影, 电影, 信息图, 动画, 卡通, 游戏和...
的 sound of dropping keys on the table or other surfaces. Recorded with high quality stereo microphones.一个伟大的现实的声音,使用作为国内音响效果的音频和视频媒体...
这是电影贝斯的声音. 作为紧张时刻的音频, 非常适合看电影, 剪辑, 动作序列, YouTube视频, 预告片, 电子游戏等. 
适合游戏, 动画, 广告, YouTube的电影, 电影, 预告片卡通s, 视频博客, 动态图形项目, 声音设计, 信息图视频,广播, 电影, 视频, 电视制作,...

飞机着陆音效 by INSANE_KID

这是一个飞机着陆的声音效果,在机场场景的背景效果是完美的. 相关项目,以及其他电影,动画项目,广告,动画等...
树枝扔进沼泽. 适用于电影,视频游戏,广告,预告片,预告片,广播,电视和其他视频项目. 可在mp3和wav.请评价,如果你购买.谢谢你!. ;)P.S....
Rhythmic 音响效果s suitable for the Gladiator arena, which you can use in all kinds of battle scenes. You can easily use it in your 电影, 剪辑, 动画, 视频游戏.
Rhythmic 音响效果s suitable for the Gladiator arena, which you can use in all kinds of battle scenes. You can easily use it in your 电影, 剪辑, 动画, 视频游戏.
卫生纸的卷和撕. 适用于广告,视频游戏,预告片,预告片,电影,广播,电视和其他视频项目. 可在mp3和wav.请评价,如果你购买.谢谢你!....
单鸽的咕咕声. 适用于电影,视频游戏,广告,预告片,预告片,广播,电视和其他视频项目. 可在mp3和wav.请评价,如果你购买.谢谢你!. ;)P.S....
适合游戏, 动画, 广告, YouTube的电影, 电影, 预告片卡通s, 视频博客, 动态图形项目, 声音设计, 信息图视频,广播, 电影, 视频, 电视制作,...
Rhythmic 音响效果s suitable for the Gladiator arena, which you can use in all kinds of battle scenes. You can easily use it in your 电影, 剪辑, 动画, 视频游戏.
这是电影混音的声音. 作为紧张时刻的音频, 非常适合看电影, 剪辑, 动作序列, YouTube视频, 预告片, 电子游戏等. 
Rhythmic 音响效果s suitable for the Gladiator arena, which you can use in all kinds of battle scenes. You can easily use it in your 电影, 剪辑, 动画, 视频游戏.
Rhythmic 音响效果s suitable for the Gladiator arena, which you can use in all kinds of battle scenes. You can easily use it in your 电影, 剪辑, 动画, 视频游戏.
Rhythmic 音响效果s suitable for the Gladiator arena, which you can use in all kinds of battle scenes. You can easily use it in your 电影, 剪辑, 动画, 视频游戏.
Rhythmic 音响效果s suitable for the Gladiator arena, which you can use in all kinds of battle scenes. You can easily use it in your 电影, 剪辑, 动画, 视频游戏.
Rhythmic 音响效果s suitable for the Gladiator arena, which you can use in all kinds of battle scenes. You can easily use it in your 电影, 剪辑, 动画, 视频游戏.

声音效果 — Add Some Life to Your Project

营造一个合适的氛围在观众对你的作品的印象中起着巨大的作用. 人 opt for a topic of the item they 搜索 for a reason. 他们渴望体验一些情感. 如果你制作恐怖视频,选择一些令人毛骨悚然的声音,让这种主题的粉丝感到恐惧. Do you want your potential clients to feel at home? 使用一些合适的效果. 在这种情况下,倒咖啡和翻页效果将派上用场. Our amazing 音响效果s will give you a hand with this. templatemmonster的作者尽他们最大的努力为你提供简短的现实主义旋律. 在接下来的文章中,我们将介绍效果声音的主要功能和使用选项.


我们提供独特的、高质量的原声,并提供透明的许可,为您避免法律问题. 的 main advantage of them is their multi-functionality. 我们的音效包括许多主题:

  • 家里的声音(倒水、冰箱门打开、吸尘器工作);
  • 的 noises of nature (birds singing, rustle of leaves, sounds of wildlife);
  • 卡通 sounds — the ones you heard in childhood;
  • Industrial noise (crashing, explosions, engine accelerating);
  • Creepy sounds — trigger minds and is suitable for horror 电影;
  • Futuristic noises — make some cosmic impression, and many more sounds.


  • 清晰的录音-没有多余的声音;
  • High quality—音质流畅的旋律;
  • Fully Compatible — you can use the assets on any device, any software;
  • 由于网站导航方便,找到想要的商品没有麻烦.

的re are a variety of pre-recorded and ready-to-use 项目. 更多的over, the assets boast high quality and a reasonable price. 因此,每一个项目都是借助Template怪物取得成功的惊人网页项目.



  1. Decide on a proper short melody while editing the podcast. 你可以创建一个励志或教育播客,并运用我们的项目来设定理想的情绪.
  2. If you are a writer, translator, or bookworm, you may record an audiobook. We have many great sounds to keep a listener in tension. 例如, 利用狗叫的效果, 瓶子打开, or key door locking to spice up main chapters.
  3. 你天生就是做电子游戏的料吗? 然后我们的音效就会派上用场了! It does not matter whether it is a horror, adventure, or shooter game. 我们对所有情况都有一些选择. 没有必要选择地铁列车,火山,装甲门,或汽车发动机的声音. 我们提供所有这些.
  4. Let's take into account one of the most popular industries — video creating. YouTube上有很多博主, Vimeo, 脸谱网的手表, 抽搐, 以及其他视频分享平台. With our effects sounds, you will have the privilege over your competitors.
  5. Some video 剪辑 have a lyrical 介绍duction and end, where people have conversations or do some action. In these cases, our sounds effects are the right decision. 的y will make video 剪辑 scenes more similar to life ones.
  6. 有了一个网站,你可以给一些按钮或动画附加音乐效果. 例如, 在有销售的电子商务网站上放一些烟花图片,用爆炸的音效来增加一些生气. This action will create a celebratory atmosphere.


It is essential to use these music 项目 properly. Follow our tips to benefit from the 音响效果s:

  1. 不要跑题. 同时制作严肃的视频材料, 请注意, and not choose some funny product on purpose or accidentally. 然而, 如果你创造了讽刺的内容, 最好使用幽默的音乐短片,因为人们并不总是能理解讽刺.
  2. 不要过于注重准确性. 的re are many types of weapons, and each type sounds different. 例如, 寻找武器的声音, you should not spend too much time finding the noise of a particular weapon. 但是,如果是特别的军事内容,那么在选择时要精确. Because military people know all the noises, they will doubt your competence.
  3. Sounds play a significant role in communication with your audience. 添加音乐效果,让自己站在潜在消费者的角度考虑问题. Think about which emotions you experience and what you should add or remove.
  4. 注意视频/游戏或播客的目的,决定你应该使用逼真的声音还是卡通的声音. 如果你的内容是有趣的,不要限制自己,用尽你的想象力.


的re are some differences between free and premium 音响效果s:

  1. 免费赠品并不是独一无二的. 它们分布广泛. 因此,你的项目不会给观众留下无与伦比的印象.
  2. When you download something for free, you risk facing legal issues. 的refore, it is much better to use licensed 项目 protected by copyright.
  3. Premium effects are suitable for 商业 purposes. Use them in advertisements or on your E-commerce website.
  4. Professional support goes with the premium sound, whereas you must deal by yourself with free audio assets.



首先,声音会引发一种情绪. It tells us about the place, character, or time. 我们用简短的旋律来吸引观众. 声音欺骗我们的大脑, and they make us believe that we experience something in real life, 即使它不完全正确. 例如,如果你在恐怖电影中听到一个人的尖叫,你就会体验到那个人的感受.

此外,它们影响我们的情绪. 例如,当你选择重金属音乐作为闹钟的声音时,你会感到紧张和焦虑. 然而,当我们在更平静的音乐中醒来时,我们与自己处于和平状态.


Template怪物网站为您提供方便的选择,以找到一个完美的声音. You may opt for a wanted item according to its:

  1. 价格;
  2. 主题;
  3. 附加标签;
  4. 更新,等等.

All of these and many more you can find in the left columns on our website. 不过, 在选择音频资源时, mind your project's purposes and 搜索 some keywords, 例如, “滴水的声音”等等.



  1. 选择想要的物品.
  2. 把它添加到购物车中.
  3. Go to the cart, then select a payment option.
  4. You should fill in a form (billing number and email).
  5. 验证购买.
  6. 的 link to the chosen item will appear in your email.
  7. 享受使用声音.

Are 的re any Restrictions in Using 声音效果?

我们拥有我们产品的版权. 因此,请遵循以下规则:

  • 不要重新分配我们的资产;
  • 申请我们的商标;
  • mix it with other audios which do not belong to Template怪物;
  • 对声音做一些改变,等等.

更多条款和条件,请访问我们的 网页.


在Template怪物上观看有关股票音频和声音效果的有用视频. Choose yours and create professional 视频, music, and sound tracks.