Advanced Contact Form plugin is available for MotoCMS 3 and MotoCMS landing page templates. 如果MotoCMS 3的常规联系表单功能对你的网站来说还不够,你需要这个高级功能...
Sales: 17
Support: 4.9/5
Multifunctional & 响应式导航条脚本响应式导航条脚本为任何现代网站提供了令人印象深刻的功能. 如果你的网站是多功能的,那就太好了. There are...
Sales: 36
Support: 4.4/5
Galfilter Wordpress插件
Galfilter是画廊类型的wordpress插件,它由自定义的帖子类型画廊和每个类别的过滤器组成. This galfilter plugin will generate a widget and a sidebar area after setup...
JX博客模块由PrestaShop开发,通过发布有关您的产品和服务的创意和有用的帖子来增加您网站的流量. JX Blog模块附带了一组...
Sales: 3
Support: 4.1/5
JX Advanced Filter 1.7 module allows customers to find products in your store inventory with ease. With this module, the clients can filter items by multiple parameters all at once. Now you may...
Sales: 9
Support: 4.1/5
MegaMenu prestshop模块
MegaMenu PrestaShop扩展可以简化您的商店导航与多列和功能丰富的菜单. Besides product categories and subcategories, you can add a variety of elements to its...
Sales: 51
Support: 4.1/5

PrestaShop模块 by RockThemes

以弹出式通知的形式让客户订阅你的时事通讯,以获得最大的可见度. The module is meant to display a message asking users to join the mailing list of your...
Sales: 4
Support: 4.1/5
The module allows to create a unique gallery from category logos of the homepage. You can adjust each element and give it custom settings (what and how should be displayed). The gallery is fully...
Sales: 10
Support: 4.1/5

About Plugins

商业网站的所有者通常以增加利润为目标. Websites help to do that by offering great user experience and drawing traffic. 如果你们追求同样的东西, 你需要Templateog体育首页市场的WordPress插件和小部件. 我们收集的优质网页设计工具将超出您的期望. 浏览我们的模块存档, extensions, widgets, 和插件,以提高您的网站的功能!


Templateog体育首页市场提供的插件有很多好处. 让我们来探索其中的一些:

  1. They were created by professional web developers and checked by our quality control team. You can be sure that you buy the best products with clean code and flawless functioning.
  2. 所有产品都针对主要cms的当前版本进行了测试. 你不会在我们的收藏品中找到过时的产品.
  3. 此外,所有插件都会定期更新和修复. 随着时间的推移而变得明显的小bug会被尽快处理.
  4. 在我们的市场上销售的所有软件都有清晰的文档. 质量控制团队对此特别关注.

我们有WordPress, Prestashop和Javascript的高级附加组件. 谁会从我们的插件中受益? The short answer is: anyone who wants to bring their website to the next level.

For instance:

  1. 想要增加网站功能的企业网站所有者. They can expand or transform their web resources by adding new essential features.
  2. Professional web developers who need a rich kit of UI software for their projects.
  3. Individual online entrepreneurs and bloggers seeking to add new features to their sites.


你可以用我们的插件做什么? 让我们来看一些例子.

  1. Slider lets you display several full-width photos on a homepage or in the Gallery section. Sliders emphasize the power of visual content and add a cutting-edge feel to the design.
  2. Calendar widget will allow displaying upcoming events and making reservations.
  3. 预订小工具将让网站访问者在您的咖啡馆订购桌子,而不必打电话给经理.
  4. 一组JetTricks可视化插件将添加许多效果. 例如,粘性元素、热点和粒子. 它们可以帮助您为网站访问者创造独特的体验,并增加他们在您的网站上花费的时间.
  5. Visual WordPress包会给你额外的博客模块, smart lists and tiles, video integration, and a Smart Ticker. 有了这些功能,你的博客一定会脱颖而出.
  6. MegaMenu plugin will create a big menu with multiple columns and categories. 此外,在包装中,你会发现一套促销横幅和徽章.
  7. 我们也有很棒的Javascript插件. 如果你是网页设计新手,找一个网站建设者. You’ll get several hundred Bootstrap elements, Export and Publish functionality.

这些只是你可以在我们市场的插件部分找到的一些很棒的网页设计资产的例子. Choose the ones that fit your creative vision and don’t forget to rate them afterward. 其他Templateog体育首页客户正在等待您的评论!

WordPress Plugins

WordPress 插件是包含一组功能的软件,您可以将其添加到基本的WordPress网站中.


The WordPress plugins 可以在Templateog体育首页市场上获得,可以为不同行业的不同企业提供服务(从餐馆到房地产公司)。.


  1. 访问WP仪表板;
  2. 点击左边菜单上的插件;
  3. 点击上传插件;
  4. 从计算机中选择文件;
  5. Install Now.

PrestaShop Extensions

PrestaShop extensions 小程序是否通过增强客户体验来增加或改进在线商店的功能.

Advanced filters, one-click orders, product sliders, and more are all extensions designed to make your business more customer-focused.

It doesn't matter which industry you are in; Templateog体育首页 provides PrestaShop plugins to meet the needs of any business, 无论大小.


  1. Access your Prestashop dashboard;
  2. 在左边的菜单中,点击模块,然后是模块和服务;
  3. 点击上传模块;
  4. Install.

Magento 2 Extensions

Magento 2 extensions are applications that expand Magento’s solutions with features and functionalities.

Newsletter pop-ups featured products; search functionality is all examples of useful extensions that can widely improve the user experience by making your e-shop more pleasant to navigate and the buying process more straightforward.

JavaScript Plugins

JavaScript plugins 软件的附加部分是否以标准编写 JavaScript file. 您可以使用它们为您的网站添加功能,并使您的用户更容易管理, navigate, and interact with it.



All the reasons represent an advantage that can benefit both you and the users.



许多人喜欢安装插件的主要原因是它们有助于节省大量的开发时间. Plus, hiring a developer might be quite expensive if compared to the price of a plugin. Plugins, on the other hand, maybe very cheap, depending on their complexity.


插件确保您广泛的灵活性,以提高和自定义您的网站的特点和功能. 另外,插件不是永久的. 当你不再需要它们或者想要替换它们的时候, 您可以轻松地停用和卸载它们.


专业的web开发人员设计了你在Templateog体育首页市场上找到的所有插件. 这意味着他们很专业,工作很投入. 此外,您还可以获得修复错误和更新系统的帮助.


大多数在线插件都是为用户准备的. In other words, 人们决定将它们集成到他们的网站中,让访问者和潜在客户体验更好的导航和购买过程. For example, 一键购买插件, the user can proceed to the purchase without having to reenter their personal information, payment method, and so forth.


有时候,根据自己的需求选择合适的插件是很困难的. Moreover, there are many plugins available on the internet, making a choice even more difficult.

This explains why we listed below some tips to make the decisional process faster and apt.

Think about your goal

首先你应该考虑的是你想通过插件达到的目标. To rephrase it, 你需要考虑你想在你的网站上添加什么功能或特性,以及它将如何使用户受益.

For example, 如果你想加快购买过程, you may be looking for a plugin that embeds the one-click purchase functionality.


一旦你定义了你的目标,并正在寻找合适的插件, 您应该仔细分析它的特性和功能. 你希望它能提供你网站所需要的一切.


Some plugins might not be compatible with your website type (ecommerce or blog, 例如)或您使用的平台. 这是因为插件适合特定用途和CMS.


Even though plugins are not that expensive, a small business might have a limited budget. Considering the price and balancing quality against the price is crucial in such a case. 就像你在任何其他网上购买一样, 查看插件的评论可以帮助你评估它的质量. You want to opt for a plugin or extension that has positive reviews, ideally above four stars.


如果您需要多个插件,请订阅 og体育首页ONE 对于你的必需品来说,计划可能是一个更方便的解决方案. 它将允许您访问和下载 unlimited plugins 设计适合不同的平台和软件.



Whereas plugins provide extra functionalities that don’t change the core functionality, 扩展通过提供, for example, 版本变更或改进.


Prestashop is easier to manage and faster (if you don’t add too many plugins). 这使得它成为小企业和初创企业的最佳选择. Instead, Magento是一个更复杂的解决方案,具有无限的自定义选项, 使其成为大型商店的最佳选择.

Is Prestashop free?



If you want to enable the WordPress plugins you’ve installed, follow these simple steps:

  1. 访问WordPress仪表板;
  2. 去插件,然后安装插件;
  3. 确定要启用的插件;
  4. click Activate.


你可以安装尽可能多的插件,因为你需要更好地运行你的网站,提高用户体验. 然而,安装太多的插件可能会减慢你的网站. 因此,安装和使用它们要适度,不要夸张.