Fashionist Fashion Store OpenCart Template

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shoppingBag Sales: 39

Created: 2019年4月23日

Updated: 2024年4月30日

ID: 80002

og体育首页ONE -无限下载 $14.10/mo

41万件| 商业用途 License permits using this item to create unlimited digital end products for sale during the active period of your subscription. | Support 加入下载此项目  for Free
Fashionist Fashion Store OpenCart Template - Features Image 1

Fashionist Opencart Theme will perfectly fits for stores selling Fashion 服装和 配件. It also fits for the other online stores selling Shoes, Clothes, Bags, Beauty, 珠宝, 配件 和其他 多用途. Theme is 响应 and user-friendly as all the customisation settings are provided in the admin. 的主题 零编码知识 to use. It has powerful user friendly features that would attract more clients to your online store and boost sales!

Our theme supports all languages, 但是在安装之后, feel free to reach out to our support team, 我们会帮你处理的. 另外, if we offer support for multiple OpenCart versions, some design changes may be applicable across all versions. 因此, our demo represents the latest updated version, ensuring that you can install the most recent version we provide.

兼容性 : OpenCart版本


  • No 需要编码技能
  • Html5 / css3
  • 引导
  • 手机第一
  • 100% 响应 Theme
  • 视网膜上准备好了
  • 包括Google字体
  • 有效的XHTML和CSS标记
  • Zero Javascript的冲突
  • 完全文档化
  • Compatible with all major browsers
  • SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)friendly
  • Optimised for Quick Load Time


  • Ajax : 购物车,搜索,愿望清单
  • Multiple 语言和货币
  • Sticky Menu
  • 拖放 Sections
  • Product Reviews
  • 无限的 Banners
  • 产品滑块 (Featured, New, Special and Best Seller products) on Homepage
  • 购物车下拉标题
  • Product 快速视图
  • 出售倒计时 对产品
  • Parallax Scrolling
  • SEO Friendly
  • 品牌标志滑块/网格 在首页
  • Product Zoom
  • Product 网格+列表 View
  • Blogs Module
  • 有吸引力的 面包屑 视差图像
  • 滚动到顶部按钮
  • 页脚的额外链接块
  • NewsLater弹出

Note : 的主题 archive contains the images used in the theme which can be used for setting up your demo which can be replaced with your brand images before you launch. The actual rights of the images remains with the respective image owners.


Added Text support to the slider. Theme files updated to the latest version. Bug修复和改进.

Introduced text support for the slider component. Updated theme files to the most recent version. Bug修复和改进:

  • Addressed and Fixed Bugs, Along with General Improvements
  • Successfully Resolved Homepage Bug
  • inner pages issues solve enhanced product design
  • Theme update includes quality fixes, 主题文件的优化, and language support in the admin panel Addressed various bugs and implemented improvements.

We have launched the theme on OpenCart's latest version,现在支持PHP 8.1.


Продуктомдоволен, шаблон такой как было описано, русифицировали все сами, техподдержка предложила свою помошь и по вопросу языка и по вопросу установки шаблона, за деньги естественно, но справились сами все было максимально понятно. В шаблоне не понравился слайдер в мобильной версии, немного не заметный в мобильной версии, так как показывает теже широкие версии что и у десктопном слайдере, в остальном проблем не наблюдал, тем более в opencart для понимающего человека легко все настроить под себя.
The design and functionality of the theme seemed quite attractive at first glance, and the theme itself is really not bad. However, after installation I found significant discrepancies between the demo and the real installation. Some features and elements shown in the demo were missing or worked differently since I was using Opencart 3. Moreover, nowhere on the product page was it stated that there could be such differences using version 3 or 4. This caused some difficulties and required extra effort to set up and bring the shop to the original expectations. But I see this has already been fixed)
Спасибо за сотрудничество. Что продали не рабочий продукт и не вернули деньги.





4.4 /5
支持度评分(85年评级) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 70 4 1 3 1 2 1 1 12
响应时间: Normal This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.
